MUSICAL WALLS – premiere in Budapest already on October 12

MUSICAL WALLS – unveiling of sounding plaques with short concerts invites teh public on 12 October, 2024 16:00-19:00. The performative procession will present and hand over works of art embedded in the context of the cultural heritage of the district, at seven sites selected as part of the Musical Walls programme in the 7th District.

The event is organised by the Musical Walls programme team and the Metrum Ensemble artists.

The sites of the procession and the Musical Walls – sounding plaques:Meet at 4pm at the first location.

Location 1: K11 Művészeti és Kulturális Központ – 1075 Budapest, Király u. 11.

Location 2: Arcade of LAONI Design Store – 1072 Budapest, Klauzál tér 1.

Location 3: ISON Cultural Centre – 1074 Budapest, Hársfa utca 25.

Location 4: Chez Hanna Coffee & Brunch – 1077 Budapest, Jósika utca 22.

Estimated arrival at around 5pm at the 5th location: Reformáció Park – 1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 15. (Bajza utca – Városligeti fasor corner)

Opening ceremony, dedication, concert and instant picnic!

Location 6: Garay Üzletház – 1076 Budapest, Garay utca 45.

Estimated arrival around 5:45 pm at the 7th venue: Bethlen Square Theatre – 1071 Budapest, Bethlen Gábor tér 3.

18:00-19:00 Closing event at the Bethlen Square Theatre

(* Subject to change.)

We are looking forward to welcoming you on 12 October 2024 at 4pm at the entrance of the K11 Művészeti és Kulturális Központ (1075 Budapest, Király u. 11.)! The expected duration of the walk is 90 minutes. You are free to join the series of events from anywhere. During our street walk, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, bring an umbrella and dress in layers.

Participation in the programme is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. If you are attending, please register until October 9 through the link below:


Participants in the inauguration include: the Metrum Ensemble and Egyesület; representing the DemArt project: the experts and the curators of the project; the colleagues of the Bethlen Square Theatre and Pro Progressione Nonprofit Kft.; the intellectual and physical developers of the Musical Walls artwork; the owners, tenants and maintainers of the venues; representatives of the Erzsébetváros Önkormányzat and the Evin Erzsébetvárosi Ingatlangazdákodási Nonprofit Zrt.; a delegation from the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Budapest-Fasor and supporters and friends.

The walking concerts’s rain date will be on October 13, 2024 from 4 pm to 6 pm.The closing event will definitely take place on 12 October at 6 pm at the Bethlen Square Theatre.

Accessibility for everyone to enjoy!

If you are interested in the DemArt project for more information please visit the following websites:

The event is recorded and photographed. The data will be used for informationpurposes, dissemination of results and promotion of the project.

#DemArt, which is run by the International Institute of CommunityCommissioned Art (IICCA), set up by Bethlen Square Theatre (HU), FundacjaArt Transparent (PL) and the Latvijas Jaunā teātra institūts (LV). DemArt – ArtCommissioning is a project funded by the Creative Europe programme of theEuropean Union. The opinions and statements contained herein reflect theviews of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of theEuropean Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency(EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be heldresponsible for them.